I was a little nervous going into this appointment. I wanted to talk to my mid-wife about inducing but didn't want to come across like a uncooperative client or anything... but at the same time i want to have choices when it comes to the birth of my child instead of feeling forced to induce before my due date.
My mid-wife checked me out and I am 1 1/2 cm dilated... yea! And then she asked me if I wanted to induce. I told her first that I don't have a problem with inducing per say because I was induced with my first child but I was already on the schedule to be induced on the 7th and didn't feel too comfortable with the decision. I told her what the nurses had told me last week and me feeling like I didn't have a choice. She said that she was not aware that I was already of the schedule and that the choice is completely mine. They give the patient a choice of inducing at 39 weeks pregnant if everything is normal and there aren't any complications but that I can also wait. She did say that at 40 weeks they push to set up an induction date so that the women don't go too far past the due date which can cause some problems.
She said that I can go home and talk to my husband about it. We set an appointment for next Wednesday morning for me to be checked again and discuss an induction date. Clint and I decided to cancel my Jan 7th induction date and play the 'wait and see' game... at least until the next week when I will have another induction date. So now we can't plan everything out, but it will be fun to go into labor naturally. I am excited but a little nervous too!
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