
Friday, February 10, 2012

40 Weeks and Counting...

Wednesday was my 40 week appointment.  They hooked me up to some stuff to monitor Alle's movements and any contractions.  It was nice to just relax in a recliner and listen to her heartbeat for about 15 minutes.  Everything was responding as it should.  During that time I had a contraction that I couldn't feel but baby Alle could.  At the spike of my un-felt contraction I also pushed the little button a few times to show when Alle was moving.  I guess she didn't like being squeezed!  I was only a 'barely 2cm' dilated.  We set up a time to be induced at the hospital for next week is she doesn't come before then.  I'll go in Monday night and then be induced Tuesday morning.  If Alle waits until then, we will have a Valentine baby!

Yesterday was my due date.  It was kinda strange for it to come and go.  I didn't get to that point last time.  I decided if I was going to not have a baby on my due date then I was going to do something cool.  I first met up with my mom at Kim nails to get a pedicure together.  I picked up some coffee on the way and relaxed with my momma.  They give awesome leg and foot massages at that place and of course the massage chairs are pretty awesome.

After Clint and I picked Olivia up from pre-school we all went to Chik-fil-a to visit with Anna Noethe-Musgrove Shirm(?) and her husband Todd and her two beautiful little boys Kyler and Micah.  Kyler is Olivia's age and Micah is 3 months old.  It was a lot of fun to sit and talk and watch the kiddos play.  It is nice to have a friend where it isn't awkward to get together with from time to time.  Micah seems like such a good little baby.  We stayed there for 2 hours and had a lot of fun.

Next me and Olivia took nap and Clint came home to start cooking supper for us.  I have a great husband.  I just relaxed the rest of the evening with my family of 3.  It was all a great way to celebrate my 40 week mark!

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