Olivia came home today. She had been staying with her Granny and Granddaddy and then with Nana and Granddad. We saw her everyday but just for a visit. I was a little nervous about her coming home.
When she came to visit yesterday and the day before it was odd. Olivia seemed distant and wanting to leave. It was like she was feeling I was someone else's mommy now - which I guess I am. I just wasn't feeling like I was being a good mother to her and felt guilty enjoying alone time with Alle. I knelt down to talk to her and sat on a pillow for only a few minutes but I was in pain for a couple of hours afterwards from doing that. If I can't even sit on the floor for a few minutes then how will I be able to read to her and play with her?
Well it was time for my mom to drop her off at our house. She didn't stay long because we were running late for Alle's pictures at Auntie Carrie's studio. Olivia went with us and was a pretty good girl. She didn't want to be in any of the pics but Auntie Carrie snuck a few anyways. Olivia brought her little bunny rabbit with her and fed it to the dinosaur. it was pretty funny when Clint went in and say some bunny feet hanging from the dinos mouth.
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Alle's first outing! |
We want to make sure Olivia feels special and not left out so we let her pick out where she wanted to eat for lunch. She said she wanted 2 BIG cheeseburgers. So we took our four day old baby and our almost three year old to Wendys. I'm glad that we aren't super paranoid over stuff like taking our baby out before 2 months old.
I was able to take a nap with both of my little girls watching Tangled. It was awesome to just enjoy watching the two of them sleeping. We bought Olivia a special gift. We got her a baby doll with a diaper bag filled with a paci, a bottle, extra clothes, etc. She played with it during the afternoon. She put the baby in the bouncer, and fed her, and rocked her. It is her baby. I didn't want to spend the evening telling Olivia to 'go play' or sitting her in front of a movie, so we decided to bake cookies.
Olivia stood in a chair and helped stir all the ingredients. She was actually helping and stayed the entire time to help. I had to go feed Alle so Olivia and her daddy rolled the dough into balls. They also made a gingerbread man and when Clint asked her what else she wanted to make, she said a cow. So they made a funky looking cow that when it was in the oven, turned into a big blob along with with gingerbread man. It was so sweet listening to the two of them talking about how to make the man and the cow and what shapes they needed to add next. We all sat down and had milk and cookies.
When Olivia went to bed she asked to sleep in teh bed with me. I told her she couldn't so she said 'I will go to your bed in the mornin time ok'. A few minutes after I left her room Alle started to cry and we heard Olivia yell out 'baby crying!' She is already a good big sister and it will be awesome to see them grow up together.
Night night baby sissy! |
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