For several days Clint has been talking to Olivia about having a Daddy Date to see get a special drink from the coffee shop and see Star Wars in 3D. He told her that they would have this special date when we got home from the hospital and that it is something that only Olivia and he could do because Alle is just a baby.
So today is the day. Olivia has been so excited. Every day she says she is ready for her date with daddy! Olivia said she wanted a cheese taco so Clint went to get gas in the car, cash for the movie, and cheese roll-up from Taco Bell. He met us at Beans and Strings to let Olivia pick out whatever 'pecial' drink she wanted. She took Clint into the bathroom to show him the poster of smoothies.
Olivia gave be a hug bye bye and left with her daddy! I'm so excited for her. I know they will both have a great time. Since they are gone, Alle and I have the night to ourselves. We are chillin, watching Hulu, catching up on this blog, and just enjoying each others company.
I think it is so great that I have such a wonderful husband and he is such a great father. He has been so sweet to our girls this past week. He has been spending extra time with Olivia and holding Alle when she cries. She always calms down when she is in her daddy's arms and he sings to her. I'm looking forward to seeing our new little family evolve and grow together.
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Monday, February 20, 2012
First Day as a Family
Olivia came home today. She had been staying with her Granny and Granddaddy and then with Nana and Granddad. We saw her everyday but just for a visit. I was a little nervous about her coming home.
When she came to visit yesterday and the day before it was odd. Olivia seemed distant and wanting to leave. It was like she was feeling I was someone else's mommy now - which I guess I am. I just wasn't feeling like I was being a good mother to her and felt guilty enjoying alone time with Alle. I knelt down to talk to her and sat on a pillow for only a few minutes but I was in pain for a couple of hours afterwards from doing that. If I can't even sit on the floor for a few minutes then how will I be able to read to her and play with her?
Well it was time for my mom to drop her off at our house. She didn't stay long because we were running late for Alle's pictures at Auntie Carrie's studio. Olivia went with us and was a pretty good girl. She didn't want to be in any of the pics but Auntie Carrie snuck a few anyways. Olivia brought her little bunny rabbit with her and fed it to the dinosaur. it was pretty funny when Clint went in and say some bunny feet hanging from the dinos mouth.
We want to make sure Olivia feels special and not left out so we let her pick out where she wanted to eat for lunch. She said she wanted 2 BIG cheeseburgers. So we took our four day old baby and our almost three year old to Wendys. I'm glad that we aren't super paranoid over stuff like taking our baby out before 2 months old.
I was able to take a nap with both of my little girls watching Tangled. It was awesome to just enjoy watching the two of them sleeping. We bought Olivia a special gift. We got her a baby doll with a diaper bag filled with a paci, a bottle, extra clothes, etc. She played with it during the afternoon. She put the baby in the bouncer, and fed her, and rocked her. It is her baby. I didn't want to spend the evening telling Olivia to 'go play' or sitting her in front of a movie, so we decided to bake cookies.
Olivia stood in a chair and helped stir all the ingredients. She was actually helping and stayed the entire time to help. I had to go feed Alle so Olivia and her daddy rolled the dough into balls. They also made a gingerbread man and when Clint asked her what else she wanted to make, she said a cow. So they made a funky looking cow that when it was in the oven, turned into a big blob along with with gingerbread man. It was so sweet listening to the two of them talking about how to make the man and the cow and what shapes they needed to add next. We all sat down and had milk and cookies.
When Olivia went to bed she asked to sleep in teh bed with me. I told her she couldn't so she said 'I will go to your bed in the mornin time ok'. A few minutes after I left her room Alle started to cry and we heard Olivia yell out 'baby crying!' She is already a good big sister and it will be awesome to see them grow up together.
Olivia came home today. She had been staying with her Granny and Granddaddy and then with Nana and Granddad. We saw her everyday but just for a visit. I was a little nervous about her coming home.
When she came to visit yesterday and the day before it was odd. Olivia seemed distant and wanting to leave. It was like she was feeling I was someone else's mommy now - which I guess I am. I just wasn't feeling like I was being a good mother to her and felt guilty enjoying alone time with Alle. I knelt down to talk to her and sat on a pillow for only a few minutes but I was in pain for a couple of hours afterwards from doing that. If I can't even sit on the floor for a few minutes then how will I be able to read to her and play with her?
Well it was time for my mom to drop her off at our house. She didn't stay long because we were running late for Alle's pictures at Auntie Carrie's studio. Olivia went with us and was a pretty good girl. She didn't want to be in any of the pics but Auntie Carrie snuck a few anyways. Olivia brought her little bunny rabbit with her and fed it to the dinosaur. it was pretty funny when Clint went in and say some bunny feet hanging from the dinos mouth.
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Alle's first outing! |
We want to make sure Olivia feels special and not left out so we let her pick out where she wanted to eat for lunch. She said she wanted 2 BIG cheeseburgers. So we took our four day old baby and our almost three year old to Wendys. I'm glad that we aren't super paranoid over stuff like taking our baby out before 2 months old.
I was able to take a nap with both of my little girls watching Tangled. It was awesome to just enjoy watching the two of them sleeping. We bought Olivia a special gift. We got her a baby doll with a diaper bag filled with a paci, a bottle, extra clothes, etc. She played with it during the afternoon. She put the baby in the bouncer, and fed her, and rocked her. It is her baby. I didn't want to spend the evening telling Olivia to 'go play' or sitting her in front of a movie, so we decided to bake cookies.
Olivia stood in a chair and helped stir all the ingredients. She was actually helping and stayed the entire time to help. I had to go feed Alle so Olivia and her daddy rolled the dough into balls. They also made a gingerbread man and when Clint asked her what else she wanted to make, she said a cow. So they made a funky looking cow that when it was in the oven, turned into a big blob along with with gingerbread man. It was so sweet listening to the two of them talking about how to make the man and the cow and what shapes they needed to add next. We all sat down and had milk and cookies.
When Olivia went to bed she asked to sleep in teh bed with me. I told her she couldn't so she said 'I will go to your bed in the mornin time ok'. A few minutes after I left her room Alle started to cry and we heard Olivia yell out 'baby crying!' She is already a good big sister and it will be awesome to see them grow up together.
Night night baby sissy! |
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Past Due
So today I am two days past my due date. It is a strange thing.. for months now, the date 'February 9th' has been on my mind. That has come and gone and where am I now? In a waiting game... not knowing what to expect. I've been having contractions that feel like cramps the last two nights. My doctor gave me some tips if I want to speed up going into labor and said to just time them and if they are 5 minutes apart then to head to the hospital. When she asked if I wanted to go into labor this weekend or try to rest and wait till Monday (when I go in to be induced), I just said that I don't know.
Even though I have a wonderful, beautiful little two year old, I feel like a first time mom when it comes to labor. I didn't go into labor anywhere but at the hospital hooked up to monitors when I was induced with Olivia. Even though people say that being induced makes it harder, there is also security and comfort in knowing that even if I don't know what I'm doing, there is a nurse right there who can help me.
So even though I am 2 days past due and have been having some minor contractions off and on and am tired of being huge and not sleeping well and want to meet baby Alle..... I'm also a little scared and don't feel ready yet. I kind of want to wait until I go into the hospital Monday night so I can have my house clean, Olivia's bag ready with everything she needs, and our bag with all our electronics and such. It will give me several hours to know what to expect next instead of not knowing and just waiting.
Strange I know... But that is where I am... two days past due...
Even though I have a wonderful, beautiful little two year old, I feel like a first time mom when it comes to labor. I didn't go into labor anywhere but at the hospital hooked up to monitors when I was induced with Olivia. Even though people say that being induced makes it harder, there is also security and comfort in knowing that even if I don't know what I'm doing, there is a nurse right there who can help me.
So even though I am 2 days past due and have been having some minor contractions off and on and am tired of being huge and not sleeping well and want to meet baby Alle..... I'm also a little scared and don't feel ready yet. I kind of want to wait until I go into the hospital Monday night so I can have my house clean, Olivia's bag ready with everything she needs, and our bag with all our electronics and such. It will give me several hours to know what to expect next instead of not knowing and just waiting.
Strange I know... But that is where I am... two days past due...
Friday, February 10, 2012
40 Weeks and Counting...
Wednesday was my 40 week appointment. They hooked me up to some stuff to monitor Alle's movements and any contractions. It was nice to just relax in a recliner and listen to her heartbeat for about 15 minutes. Everything was responding as it should. During that time I had a contraction that I couldn't feel but baby Alle could. At the spike of my un-felt contraction I also pushed the little button a few times to show when Alle was moving. I guess she didn't like being squeezed! I was only a 'barely 2cm' dilated. We set up a time to be induced at the hospital for next week is she doesn't come before then. I'll go in Monday night and then be induced Tuesday morning. If Alle waits until then, we will have a Valentine baby!

After Clint and I picked Olivia up from pre-school we all went to Chik-fil-a to visit with Anna Noethe-
Next me and Olivia took nap and Clint came home to start cooking supper for us. I have a great husband. I just relaxed the rest of the evening with my family of 3. It was all a great way to celebrate my 40 week mark!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Week 39 Appointment
I was a little nervous going into this appointment. I wanted to talk to my mid-wife about inducing but didn't want to come across like a uncooperative client or anything... but at the same time i want to have choices when it comes to the birth of my child instead of feeling forced to induce before my due date.
My mid-wife checked me out and I am 1 1/2 cm dilated... yea! And then she asked me if I wanted to induce. I told her first that I don't have a problem with inducing per say because I was induced with my first child but I was already on the schedule to be induced on the 7th and didn't feel too comfortable with the decision. I told her what the nurses had told me last week and me feeling like I didn't have a choice. She said that she was not aware that I was already of the schedule and that the choice is completely mine. They give the patient a choice of inducing at 39 weeks pregnant if everything is normal and there aren't any complications but that I can also wait. She did say that at 40 weeks they push to set up an induction date so that the women don't go too far past the due date which can cause some problems.
She said that I can go home and talk to my husband about it. We set an appointment for next Wednesday morning for me to be checked again and discuss an induction date. Clint and I decided to cancel my Jan 7th induction date and play the 'wait and see' game... at least until the next week when I will have another induction date. So now we can't plan everything out, but it will be fun to go into labor naturally. I am excited but a little nervous too!
My mid-wife checked me out and I am 1 1/2 cm dilated... yea! And then she asked me if I wanted to induce. I told her first that I don't have a problem with inducing per say because I was induced with my first child but I was already on the schedule to be induced on the 7th and didn't feel too comfortable with the decision. I told her what the nurses had told me last week and me feeling like I didn't have a choice. She said that she was not aware that I was already of the schedule and that the choice is completely mine. They give the patient a choice of inducing at 39 weeks pregnant if everything is normal and there aren't any complications but that I can also wait. She did say that at 40 weeks they push to set up an induction date so that the women don't go too far past the due date which can cause some problems.
She said that I can go home and talk to my husband about it. We set an appointment for next Wednesday morning for me to be checked again and discuss an induction date. Clint and I decided to cancel my Jan 7th induction date and play the 'wait and see' game... at least until the next week when I will have another induction date. So now we can't plan everything out, but it will be fun to go into labor naturally. I am excited but a little nervous too!
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