Last week Clint found out that he got the full-time job he has been pursuing at McLean Engineering. We will be making more money now but we didn't want that money to just go to whatever. We decided to dedicate some extra money to our health. We started our YMCA membership back and all this week we have been making smoothies. Smoothies have been a trend in Moultrie for a few weeks now. Beans and Strings have fresh fruit smoothies and a green smoothie that has spinach in it. Also Carrie Viohl (my sister-in-law) has been making some crazy health smoothies and posting her creations on Facebook. So we decided to try eating healthy smoothies either with our meal or as a snack in an attempt to eat less during lunch and supper.
Here are the smoothies we have made so far...
1st smoothie
Normal fruit smoothie with papaya.
Ingredients: 1/2 of a papaya, about 15 strawberries, 1 banana, Ice, milk
Tasted like a normal strawberry/banana smoothie.
2 1/2 servings
2nd smoothie
Orange smoothie with papaya
Ingredients: 4 carrots, 1/2 of a papaya, strawberry yogurt, milk, ice
Tasted like carrots. I added a little orange juice afterwards and it tasted more like oranges. We will put orange juice instead of milk next time.
2 1/2 servings
3rd smoothie
Green smoothie carrots.
Ingredients: 2 carrots, 1 large handful of spinach, 1 kiwi, 1 banana, orange juice, ice
Too much of a carrot taste. I added more juice so it would taste more like oranges.
2 1/2 servings
4th smoothie
Orange smoothie with strawberries (Olivia's invention)
Ingredients: 1 carrot, 1 banana, about 10 strawberries, strawberry yogurt, milk, ice
Tasted a hint of strawberry
1 1/2 to 2 servings
5th smoothie
Super green smoothie with blueberries
1 Banana, 1 handful of spinach, 1 green apple, 1 kiwi, 1 handful of blueberries, apple juice, ice
Tasted like green apple. This one is a keeper.
2 1/2 servings
6th smoothie
Peach smoothie
Ingredients: 3 peaches, 1 frozen banana, 1 handful of blueberries, vanilla yogurt, milk, ice
Tasted like peaches with specs of blueberries in it.
1 1/2 to 2 servings
7th smoothie
Orange smoothie with mango
Ingredients: 2 carrots, 1 Mango, about 8 strawberries, vanilla yogurt, milk, ice
This one is my favorite so far! It had a beautiful color. I could really taste the mango and I didn't taste the carrots at all. Clint put a little extra yogurt than normal, that probably made it sweeter and pulled out the mango flavor.
2 1/2 servings
Another good thing about these smoothies is that Olivia loves them too! She doesn't eat many vegetables by themselves so this is a good way to get her some of those good nutrients as well.
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