I've had kind of a crazy life since I've been married. We got married August 14, 2004 (on my 21st birthday) - three months after I graduated. Although I was graduated I still had one more class left to take. During that fall I took that one last class and tried to get use to being a wife and cooking and cleaning and such while living in Toccoa Ga. That December I finished my class and we moved down to Valdosta. Clint was doing some programming work with a guy we knew and I was traveling to Moultrie to help at my dad's office a few days a week. During that time I was looking into being a house parent. We started working at the Florida Sheriff's Boys Ranch in June 2005. After that we worked at Girls and Boys Town in Tallahassee Florida starting in January 2006. We worked there for nine months then moved back to Moultrie. We both got jobs pretty quick - Clint at Futuristech and I at Green Oaks Center. I worked there in three different positions until December 2008 when I started at Professional Case Management Services of America (PCSA) where I was a Case manager for individuals at Green Oaks and other centers. When Olivia turned One I decided to make a changes so I could spend more time with her and not be as stressed. I helped start Lifespring Child Care Center in August 2010. I worked there part time and also at Beans and strings part time. That December I decided to work solely at the church doing the day care in the mornings and working at LASSO (after school program) in the afternoons with Clint. Due to some issues, I decided to quit working at the daycare in May and just worked at dad's office a few days a week helping enter information and scan files into their new paperless system. Starting January 2012, Clint would no longer be able to run LASSO due to him pursuing a job with Mclean Engeneering. I have worked with LASSO off and on since it started and didn't want to see it suddenly end, so I decided to take up the role of lead instructor for the spring 2012 semester even though I was going to have a baby in February.
So coming up to the present... We decided it was time for LASSO to come to an end and April 26 was the last day. I planned a party for LASSO that day. I love all the kids in the youth and at LASSO and will miss them very much. But one really cool thing about that day is Clint found out that he got a Software Engineering job at McLean Engineering earlier that day. Up until that point we were not sure if he would have a job for May and if he did, we were not sure if it would be part time or full time (He had been going back and forth all year). We were in a waiting period trying to figure out what we were going to do as far as job/money went. We felt like God wanted us to just wait and not make plans until the end of April when we found out something about job situations. So although it was sad to say good bye to our students, it was very fitting that the last day of LASSO was also the day Clint was offered a Software Engineer job - Turning a page and starting a new chapter of life.....
All that leaves me to say that this is the first time in my life I am not working a job and am a full-time Stay At Home Mom (SAHM). I've never really had any long-term plans as far as a job/career but I've always known that I wanted to be a mother and raise godly children. So I guess this is my full-time job for now.
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