
Monday, May 27, 2013

Mother's Day Questions

My mom helped Olivia write a Mother's Day card for me.  Inside were a list of questions that my mom asked Olivia and wrote down.  Some of them are pretty cute.  She said that my favorite color and food is her favorites- green and cereal.  My job is cleaning up the house and I make really good soup.  And apparently I am only 5 years old!  I love my girls and my mother so much!   :) 

Playing Catch-up with Pictures

So I have missed a lot!  Both of my girls have grown so much in about six or so months.  We had birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Alle started walking (and running), and so much more!  Here is a quick recap in pictures of the 2012 holidays and the beginning of 2013.

Fall 2012: 
Parks, birthday parties, Expo, Fire department.... 

Halloween 2012: Flower and Bumblebee

Around Thanksgiving and following was a very difficult time for our family.  There were two deaths in my extended family and one in Clint's.  All of them were very different circumstances and difficult to deal with in different ways.  Below are some pictures of my great uncle Harvey (an avid GA Bulldog fan) and my cousin who is only two months older than me

Thanksgiving 2012

 Christmas 2012
We pretty much had the best Christmas ever!  We spend time with all of our families, Olivia was able to look forward and really enjoy all of the festivities, and Alle was learning to walk and liked all the attention.  Christmas was followed by the worst New Years with me having a horrible fever for 3 days and everyone else getting sick too... but we wont let that ruin our Christmas memories  :)

Allene Drue is one!
We had a small valentine's birthday party at Beans and Strings with family and a few close friends.  Alle was very sweet, like her presents, and loved her cake!

Spring 2013
Strawberry picking, parks, Chehaw, Veggie Tales live, FIF concert...

Easter and Mother's Day 2013

So there has been a lot going on in the past eight months or so... some good and some bad.  But a lot of growth all round in our family.  Which reminds me... in February I found out we are expecting baby Fleetwood#3!  I am about 16 weeks along now and I will put up some pictures in a different post.  
The due date is November 8th.
There are going to be a lot more exciting things coming up for the rest of this year as well!