
Saturday, July 28, 2012

2012 Olympic Gymnastics...

Olivia has been taking gymnastics lessons for a year and a half.  They had an end-of-the-year program where her class demonstrated what they learned this past year.  Olivia's class ages ranged from 2 years old to 4 years old.  They are all so cute doing flips, running, jumping on the trampoline, and walking on the balance beam.  Their big ending was them jumping on a trampoline then doing a jump flip.  The first few times Olivia did this trick she did a superman dive!  She finally got the hang of it and did a great job.

Watch the video below... it is super cute!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Purpose in daily life

The beginning of May Clint started his new job and I official became a stay at home mother.  We made commitments to eat healthier and exercise.  So far I have been going to the YMCA at least three times a week but usually five.  I have been going to the farmers market often and having more fruits and vegetables in the home.  I have also been using SuperTracker to keep track of what I eat on a daily basis.  Since May 1st to today, I have lost 13 pounds and I am only 1 pound away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Go me!

The YMCA has been incorporated into my daily schedule and buying more fruits and vegetables has helped us to eat them daily.  I was thinking about this while sitting in church and realized that there are other things that I know is good for me to do and I have good intentions for, but I don't think about them daily.  When I do think about them I realize I haven't done them in several days... or weeks.  

So sitting there listening to praise and worship music, I wrote down a list of daily commitments that are either difficult for me to do at times or I just forget about doing:

1. Clean my kitchen sink
2. Spend 5 minutes in 2 rooms cleaning
3. Help Olivia with 3/5 minutes toy pickup
4. Talk to Olivia about God/Jesus
5. Tummy time with Alle for 5 minutes
6. Read one chapter/section in the Bible
7. Read one Relevant article
8. Listen to my Pandora worship station
9. Show extra kindness toward 1 person
10. Always use kind words

Too many days go by where all I did was try to clean up the messes that were being made, keep Olivia from smothering her sister and being too whinny, trying to keep Alle's crying to a minimum, and try to get supper on the table.  I would feel like I was running in circles not really having anything to show for my stress for the day.  While I am writing this, The Motions by Matthew West is playing on my Pandora (doing #8!).  Although I do not feel at my lowest or that my life needs an overhaul, I do feel like I am just doing the minimal motions of being a parent and wife at times.

These are things that will help cultivate my spiritual life as well as my relationships with my husband and children.  I want to use this season of life that I am in to grow as a woman, wife, mother, and daughter of Christ.  

I want my days to be purposeful.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Olivia is Three!

Olivia is growing up!  She had a wonderful 3rd birthday this year with her family and friends.  Her birthday came right at the end of the school year with all of those activities going on.  Olivia's birthday was the week after the last day of school so she had her pre-school birthday party a week early.  She was all decked out in the tutu and crown that her Granny and Granddaddy gave to her.

When I asked her what she wanted for her pre-school party she said cupcakes and balloons.  I think she will always be happy if she has those two things!

Olivia got two special things for her birthday.  The first was a handmade birthday outfit with an 'O' for Olivia made by my cousin.  She is very talented and french!  I think it turned out wonderfully.  She also makes all kinds of other things that you can check out at her Etsy store.

The second special thing she got was a necklace from her daddy.  For months she has been asking for a heart necklace just like mommy's necklace.  She will hold it and say 'I like your necklace. I want a necklace like yours.'  And then she would go to her daddy and say in the sweetest voice 'Daddy, will you get me a necklace like mommy's for my birthday?'  Come on now... how can you resist such a sweet little girl with such a sweet request?  So Clint went to Claire's and picked out a necklace that looked like mine and gave it to Olivia the morning on her party so she could wear it with her birthday outfit.

The theme for Olivia's birthday party was 'Olivia The Pig'!  I love that show.  I think it comes on Nick Jr although I'm not sure because we don't have satellite or cable.  My friend Erin was the first to introduce us to the show.  She mailed us a DVD when Olivia was probably about 6 months old and we have been hooked ever since.  Olivia has two of the DVDs and several books (mostly from her friend Jojo).

We were able to have the party and Beans and strings and the decorations were pretty awesome.  I made signs for Olivia's rule's of life such as 'Never miss a very important party' and 'Red is the very best color for absolutely, positively everything.'  So of course EVERYTHING had to be RED!  Twizzlers, red m&m's, strawberries, red grapes, peppermints, peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches, and homemade cupcakes with red sprinkles on top!  I also made homemade play dough for the party favors. 

Olivia had a great time at her party.  She had a lot of her family there, some friends, cupcakes, and red balloons... All of the things to make her happy.

That afternoon we played on the back porch with her bubbles and with her new dress up box.

Her actually birthday was a few days later so we let her choose where she wanted to have her birthday lunch.  'Chickalay' is her favorite place so we met up there with Nana for some lunch.  She took her birthday money to Walmart and picked out a 'BIIIIG'(with the hand motions) bouncy ball and a miniature Rapunzel doll.  Olivia's gift from us was the movie Tangled and a popcorn that pops on the stove.  She already had the larger Rapunzel doll and purple dress from Christmas so we had a princess night watching her new movie.

I cant believe she is already three years old and is becoming a little lady.  Before she turned three, whenever anyone would say something about her growing up she would get upset and say "I'm not growin up.  My mommy wants me to stay little!"  But now she tells me "I'm going to grow up, but I'll still be Olivia."  I guess I need to be reminded of that sometimes.